I've been catching up with everyone's blogs and checking out New Year's Rez, so I guess it's time to share mine:
1. The main overall Rez, is to exercise more. Move it, use it, push it. I've gotten into a rut both asana- and pranayama-wise and I need to spend a bit more time on the mat. Outside of teaching...being in front of a class is a different kind of practice and, while valuable, doesn't really count towards more exercise. Should probably work on my mental state a bit, too.
2. Get out in the yoga world. I've been using motherhood and location as an excuse to hunker down, but I'm really not all that far from busy, dynamic yoga communities (gotta use the term--sorry, Sama) that I could participate in on a montly/bi-monthly basis. Madison, Chicago, etc. Maybe some workshops away from home are possible...hello, Feathered Pipe.
3. Be a more regular correspondent. I think about this blog all the time and would like to write more. The short missive a couple times a week doesn't seem out of reach and it's nice to make contact. Less of a sermon, more of a conversation.
So, in the interest of Nos. 1 and 3, shall we try the Asana Project again? I think we left off at Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog)...

Yes to the Asana Project. And Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Brenda!!!
Waiting for your posts!
Hi! Can't wait to see you tomorrow evening! :) If you ever want to catch a yoga class in Mad town please let me know - I'd LOVE to join you!!
Happy new year, Brenda. I hope 2009 is an excellent year for you. And I definitely would like to see the Asana Project continue!
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