The trade off for all the snow and cold, if you want to be glass-half-full about it, is that we had the most wonderful full moon on Monday nite. The whole family went out to shovel after dinner and the Husb and I dragged the boys around in sleds for awhile. I love being outside at night in the snow. Everything has a strange glow and any noises seem muffled; very mysterious and magical. And with that full moon in the background behind all the snow clouds, the sky was especially pale and glowing that night--sort of like the daytime-at-night feel of Times Square from all the reflected light. I wanted to take a picture, but nothing about the sensory experience would have really been recorded, so I just absorbed it. It was very cool.
For the next two days we will have to enjoy the muffled glow from the living room, but the temperature may sneek above zero this weekend. Sun salutes and chest openers. Stay warm, y'all.

We had a great full moon here too, not quite as spectacular as yours since there wasn't any snow...
Congrats on yet another great Yoga Mentor article, by the way.
Gosh I miss snow. Not the cold though...
I saw your YJ article on teaching at the gym featured on MYM today. I'm saving it for my lunch break reading. =)
There's nothing like the glow of the moon on the snow...(viewed from the snuggly warmth of bed.)
Now to do some sun salutations in my long johns...
Stay warm and be well.
I'm born and raised in Chicago so I've lived through plenty (50+) Northern Illinois winters and I've had it! after three trips to South India in the fall, winter, and spring, my body is no longer acclimated to this weather -- last night the windchill was 30 below 0.
I've made the decision to move to Northern California in a few years for #1, more yoga opportunities than the Midwest and #2, the OCEAN!
California dreamin' has become a reality!
Thanks to those who read the YJ article. I feel strongly about the responsibilities of teaching at a gym and wanted to get the word out.
Tonite I taught with about 3 layers on (speaking of a chilly gym studio) and felt like I was wearing a snow suit. Wisconsin Yoga--not for the weak (or sane?!). Sama, I think you're onto something...
And I thought NYC was cold!
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