Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Can Stand the Rain (but Ann Peebles is still awesome)...

Ah, perspective. We can always use more, right? The Big Picture. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. Yoga for Cynics had a couple of lovely posts last week from the thin air above the tree line about how geology clears the mind, and they inspired me this week. Yoga, mountains, ocean, parenthood, death--the Big Things help you deal with the little things. I'd like to add to the list: Weather.

A couple of times this month, I've had to grin and bear it in less-than-ideal conditions. It's been very freeing. I participated in a triathlon three weeks ago in the rain (partially pouring, partially misting), which is not my first choice for two hours of heavy exertion. But that's sort of the beauty of an outdoor race--you do your thing no matter what is coming down on your head (except, of course, lightening). Once you accept that you are just one small person being pounded by water from the heavens, rather than running for shelter or warmth, it's sort of interesting.

It's the same for snow or heat or wind. When you stop fretting about discomfort or inconvenience, it's kind of fun. And obviously you can't do anything about it, so there's no point in getting worked up about it. It gives you perspective.

Which is why I love yoga outside. We did it last weekend by the river. The wind topples your Vrksasana; the ground is too bumpy for a graceful Parsvakonasana; you have to squint while you salute the sun. You are forced out of your patterns and have to adapt--as a result, you get to see a lot things in a new light. And you get fall color. Of course, I'm not advocating anything crazy or dangerous, but, in past Februaries, I've had a lovely, blissful 15 minutes doing Supta Baddha Konasana in the snow.

As the Midwest marches resolutely towards winter, this attitude change is invaluable. When the going gets rough, take yourself outside: get rained on, blown at, soak up the sun. Don't let the little people get you down...but do Bundle Up!

[GTTSB Redux: Nicole, at All Things Healing, has asked to republish some old posts on their site. I figured, why not, let some dear friends see the light again...)


Jen said...

Perfect timing on your post. I practiced outside this morning and thought, geez, these acorns sure make warrior I tricky.

Jenn said...

Yesterday I just needed to be outside. My body was practically hitting me over the head with a club saying...avoid the gym, go to the bike trail instead. So I did. And it felt great. Amazing at how much head clearing fresh air can do :)

Emma said...

YES! First race in December, I'm getting ready to pound the pavement in rain, wind, snow, come what may.
I've just cancelled my gym membership, so no treadmill for me, only outside!
I agree with Jenn, fresh air does clear you head :)

Linda-Sama said...

have always loved Ann Peebles....in another life, in this life, used to sing music like this....yeah, that's another story....;)

johnny lang does a great version of this song, too

Unknown said...

Love this song!

Bob Weisenberg said...

Very enjoyable blog and music.

Thanks for posting.

Bob W.

Brooks Hall said...

Yes! I like this song, too. I feel it!

Brenda P. said...

Thanks for listening, all. I just love that song and never resent when it gets stuck in my head (which is everything I hear it). Plus, I thought it was a lot more fun than just googling some pretty weather picture...

Yogini B said...

I have to say that living in the tropics, i miss the seasons!! So I salute you for embracing them no matter the initial discomforts they may bring. :)