Wednesday, June 27, 2007
More Silence
Friday, June 22, 2007
Silence as a Living Tool
I’ve been editing another article for Yoga Journal’s My Yoga

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Tag--I'm It!
Recently I got "tagged" by Kris from Total Health Yoga...but I was still offline on the islands, so I didn't get a chance to respond. Here are my answers. It was fun to try and think of appropriate answers and I had to go get a snack while working on my favorite foods. So, some info about me that hasn't come up on the blog before...
Four jobs I have held (I’m counting only paying jobs for this one):
1. Favorite job ever—costume coordinator for the Washington Opera in
2. Best paying job—costumer for 1998’s Wild, Wild West (nite shoots are quite lucrative)
3. First job—slinging popcorn at Karmelkorn in the North Grand Mall in
4. Current job and passion--Yoga teacher/blogger/free-lance writer and student
1. Spirited Away (I love how imaginative director
1a. Eamonn has been very into Finding Nemo these days; it is also extremely well-observed…look at the different qualities of the sea water
2. Childhood favorite—Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
3. Good laugh—any thing with the Marx brothers
4. Queen Margot—I saw this French movie in the early 90s and remember it as breathtakingly beautiful, but I haven’t seen it since. I’m a little scared to find out it isn’t as lovely as I remember.
Four Categories of TV programming I enjoy (I am a slave to Netflix and don’t have cable):
1. Comedy—I am very into Arrested Development right now
2. HBO series—Sopranos and Deadwood (altho I wasn’t so crazy about Entourage or Curb Your Enthusiasm)
3. PBS Mysteries—every Prime Suspect
3. Japan (actually, I was on tour with the Opera—I was working—but we were in

1. Any fruit or veggie that is specifically seasonal—cherries, strawberries in June, peaches, asparagus, tomatoes, corn-on-the-cob
2. Japanese rice snacks—any of those bags of mix meant to be eaten with beer (although I’m not crazy about ika, the dried squid)
3. Cheesecake—maybe with a bit of strawberry sauce, but absolutely not flavored
4. Cheese—in general, and not just because I’m in
Four websites I visit daily (or at least frequently):
1. My various email accounts (3 of them)
2. (I love to see where visitors to GTTSB are from)
Four places I would rather be right now (I should say, I would rather be close to these in a short drive. Too bad Wisconsin isn't right in the middle of all of them):
1. Ames, IA-where my parents are
2. Iowa City, IA (Austin, TX as of July 15)-where my sister is
3. Washington DC-where many of my friends are
4. Research Triangle, NC-where some more of my friends are
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Chair Warriors
A simple way to modify poses so that you can enjoy the hip-opening benefits of standing asana, is to use a chair. You can get your legs in the proper positions, but your hip joints no longer support the whole weight of the torso. The leg muscles still get a mighty stretch in Virabhadrasana I, II (Warriors 1 and 2), you can lengthen the side ribs and spine, and you can hold the pose for awhile without getting as tired. Hip, hip hooray, right?

Warrior 1, with a chair Straddle a lightweight-but-sturdy folding chair, so that the back of your right thigh is resting on the seat of the chair. Bend your knee and place your foot so that the heel is directly below the knee. Extend the left leg behind you and turn the foot slightly out so that you can press your sole into the floor. Adjust your position on the chair so that the hips are square (hip bones—if you can still find them—are even) to the side of the chair and the pelvis is level. Stretch the arms overhead and interlock the fingers, if that is comfortable. If you get light-headed with the arms overhead, cross the arms at the lower back or bring your hands into the Namaste position behind your back to get a nice chest opener. Really focus on pressing the back of the left leg back and grounding evenly through the left foot to work the leg muscles. Keep the shoulders away from the ears. Then repeat on the left side.

Monday, June 11, 2007

A couple of milestones were reached while I was away: this blog had its first anniversary (May 22) and I entered my third trimester. I’m thrilled by the first, because I wasn’t sure I had the discipline to keep up with weekly entries; I’m also excited by the contact I’ve had with fellow bloggers stretching from Milwaukee to South Africa! The second is a welcome achievement, but I had forgotten how lumpy and awkward this phase of pregnancy is. My yoga practice is starting to change significantly and I have to concentrate on not grunting when I get up off the floor (especially as I start teaching again this week).
In the past year, I’ve tried to keep my postings of general interest. However, in light of this year’s development, I thought I’d focus a bit more on yoga and pregnancy for the rest of the summer. With the last kid, I noticed that the modifications I needed to apply were actually useful for anyone with mobility issues and could even bring awareness to yogis without any limitations, just by changing the pose slightly. So, I hope you all find this information and change of perspective interesting…it’s good to be back on the blog!