Monday, May 22, 2006

Hello and Welcome!

I decided it was time to set up a yoga blog because my students often ask for additional resources and additional practice to complement their weekly classes. I figured I could take a little time each week to compose a 20-30 minute session and include some thoughts on that series of poses. This way readers of the blog could bring their yoga practice home and expand on anything they had been working on in class.

I have written these sequences assuming readers already have a nodding acquaintance with yoga terms and poses. My explanations are short, because I figure everyone either knows the position or they can check out one of my links to study it. None of these short practices should replace a regular class with a trained teacher; this is just to help make yoga a daily, or every-other daily habit rather than just a once-a-week occurrence.

I hope this helps and I hope you enjoy it!

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